online exam system

Run your theory exam online for your school

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Theory exam online

How it Works

three easy steps to start your online business


Choose plan

You start with choosing suitable package, website, exam system, design platform. monthly or yearly subscription


Set up

We will set up, iDeal payment method, member levels, exam system, web pages, and all parameters


Add questions

You can easy add new exam and questions, you can use your own photos or design it by theory design platform


Start marketing

You can now start marketing and invite people to subscribe in your theory exam website

similar to CBR

Question types

The questions in the theory practice exams are similar to the questions in the official CBR exam


Multiple choice

To select only one answer from the choices offered as a list.


Drag and drop

Grabbing and dragging answer and drop it into a spot location.


Select photo

To select the correct answer by clicking directly on the images.


Type answer

To type your answer directly in input field without choices.

Try on the touch

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Dolor sit Mollita harum ea ut eaque velit.

What is

Theory exam platform

The exam system is completely identical and simulator to CBR exam, the system has all the options, features and methods used in CBR 2021.
- Three sections
- Set a timer for each question and/or each section
- Four types to display the question ( multiple choice, type answer, select photo, drag and drop )
-The ability to back to section questions and modify them, in case that section time doesn’t finish.
- The ability to mark the question and back to it any time.
- The ability to hear the question
- Getting the final result and the ability to review questions, view the correction, and read the educational explanation of the question.
and more additional options which helps with training.

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What is

Theory design platform

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